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  • Writer's pictureMerv Berscheid

The Value of Third-Party Grain Analysis: Your First Step Towards Better Marketing

When it comes to making smart marketing decisions, knowledge truly is power. For farmers looking to sell their grain at the best possible price, understanding its quality and grade is paramount. Trusting your sample analysis to the party that has a vested interest in purchasing your product is counterintuitive. That's where third-party grain analysis comes into play, serving as the cornerstone of a strategic marketing approach.

In this article, we'll explore the numerous benefits of having your grain analyzed and graded by an independent laboratory.

1. Accurate Grading, Informed Decisions:

When you opt for third-party analysis, you receive an accurate and unbiased assessment of your grain's quality. This information empowers you to make informed decisions about how and where to market your product and what price you'll be willing to take for it. Unlike the verbal assessments offered at some elevators, a formal analysis provides you with a tangible, detailed report that serves as a reliable reference throughout your marketing journey.

2. Commodity-Specific Insights:

Grain analysis goes beyond a simple numbered grade. It delves into specific product attributes like vomitoxin levels for feed, falling numbers for bakers, and oil content for canola. Understanding the unique traits in your bin is essential because they directly impact pricing.

By knowing your grain's unique characteristics, you can negotiate better deals, ensuring you receive fair value for your products.

3. USDA vs. CGC Grades:

It's important to note that USDA grades and CGC (Canadian Grain Commission) grades are not always interchangeable, especially if your potential buyer is in the United States. Each country has its own set of grading standards, and being aware of these distinctions ensures you accurately represent your product to international buyers.

4. Your Sample, Your Asset:

Once your grain sample has been analyzed, the report becomes your property. Having a physical, documented record of your grain's grade is invaluable. Unlike elevator assessments, which are often verbal and undocumented, your third-party analysis provides tangible proof of your grain's quality. This record becomes a vital tool during negotiations, helping you assert your product's value confidently.

5. Empowered Marketing, Better Returns:

Armed with precise knowledge about your grain's quality, you can tailor your marketing strategies for maximum profitability. You have the freedom to explore various markets, shop around to multiple buyers, negotiate fair prices and select companies who appreciate the true worth of your grain. This level of control over your marketing process translates into better returns on your investment.


In conclusion, investing in third-party grain analysis is not just a step in the marketing process; it's the foundation upon which lucrative deals are built. By knowing your grain's grade, understanding its unique attributes, and having a tangible record of its quality, you position yourself as a knowledgeable and confident seller in the agricultural marketplace.

So, take that first step towards smart marketing – get your grain analyzed, make informed decisions, and reap the rewards of your efforts.


MGX FAQ: Why Do We Charge for Sample Analysis?

One common question that arises is why there's a charge for sample analysis, especially when grain companies or elevators might offer this service for free?


The answer lies in our partnership with SGS. MGX is not analyzing your product in-house. We've negotiated better analysis fees on your behalf with one of Canada's leading laboratories. SGS is an accredited independent body that has met our high standards for quality and reliability. We are proud to work with this industry-leading company and are confident that they will provide you with the best possible service.

When you submit your samples for grading through you recieve a 10% discount on your analysis fees and your results are uploaded to your MGX user profile. There you can manage your inventory, print a hard copy of the report and confidently list your grain for auction or offer.

While initial hesitation is natural, once farmers understand the comprehensive insights and advantages offered by owning their own analysis report, the value becomes evident.


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