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  • Writer's pictureMy Grain Exchange

Poll: We want to hear from SK farmers!

Because this service is the first of its kind in Canada, we're dedicated to growing and evolving My Grain Exchange into the perfect marketing tool for prairie producers. We can't do that without feedback from people like you!

If you're a registered user, or have an idea that could help us on this mission, Request a Feature.

If you're a grain producer using our service or not, please take a minute to answer these 4 questions (all answers are anonymous).

If you'd like to give more specific feedback, contact Luke or Merv directly and they can hook you up with some perks for your time.

I sell most of my crop:

  • Direct to local grain buyers.

  • Through a broker.

  • With the advice of a marketing agent.

  • On the futures market.

I know what my grain grades because:

  • The grain company grades it and tells me.

  • I send samples to a third-party lab for analysis.

  • I grade it myself to CGC specs.

  • I guess.

I do the majority of my marketing:

  • In February with New Crop contracts.

  • Right off the combine.

  • Over the winter.

  • Depends on the year.

I'd be interested in trying an online auction to sell grain this year.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Maybe, I need more info.

If you're on the fence and would like to talk to a human about how online auctions can fit into your marketing mix, contact:

Merv Berscheid, President


Luke Derkson, Director of Customer Service



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