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  • Writer's pictureLuke Derkson

Ship Your Samples to MGX for FREE

Who doesn't like free shipping?

Sample grading is the first step in the marketing process. Knowing the quality of your grains can help you set an accurate price and a third-party analysis gives buyers the confidence to bid.

With a free Canada Post mailing code, MGX customers can submit grain samples for grading without the added expense of shipping.

Take your samples to any Canada Post depot, provide our code and mail your samples to us for FREE.

Coming into Saskatoon?

Drop your samples off at our office:

2964 Cumberland Ave. S. Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada S7J 2A6

What do we do with your sample?

SGS logo

We coordinate with SGS to have their world-class analysts grade your sample (at a discount!) and upload a high-resolution photo directly to your MGX profile's inventory hub. You will be notified by email when grading and analysis has been completed and your inventory is ready to be listed for auction or offer.

Do I need to submit samples in an MGX Sample Bag?

No! You can submit your sample in a bread bag for all we care. Just make sure there is 1KG of each commodity and all the pertinent information is included on a piece of paper in the bag or directly on the bag itself.

Mandatory information:

  • Commodity

  • Variety

  • Crop Year

  • Name

  • Farm Name

  • Location

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

MGX Customer Number
Find your customer number in the top right hand corner of your MGX profile.

MGX registered users are given a unique Customer Number (CUS-123456) and each inventory item they add is given a unique Inventory ID (MGX-123456). If you are a registered user please include these on your samples. However, they are not mandatory to submit a sample for grading as we can help you set up your profile once your samples arrive. You will require an MGX profile in order to retrieve and pay for your sample analysis.

For more information view:

Or contact Luke Derkson:

(306) 244-1124


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