Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to submit a sample for grading and analysis?
A professionally analyzed sample is not required to list inventory for sale, but we highly encourage you to have our independent lab partner, SGS, provide analysis on your commodities. Third-party analysis will give you confidence when selling your grain and provides transparency and clarity for buyers. Product with no sample analysis is listed as 'Unverified Inventory.'
Do I have to pay to ship samples?
No! When you submit a request for sample analysis in your MGX profile, you will receive a FREE shipping code that you can take to any Canada Post office. They will scan the code and provide you with a parcel box and mailing label with the SGS address on it on our dime!
Who pays for sample analysis?
Sellers are responsible for the sample analysis fees, which run $30-50 per sample for standard Canadian Grain Commission export analysis. Current pricing is outlined in the Sample Analysis Request dashboard within your profile so you will know the cost of each test before you are charged. Remember that Verified Inventory provides more information to the buyer and can improve the negotiation process. If you want to leverage even more margin from your product, you are welcome to add additional tests.
What are MGX's service fees?
Aside from the above sample fees, we charge buyers and sellers a set fee of $3.50 per metric tonne once a trade is accepted.
Does MGX handle payment and delivery?
No, does not participate in the signing, delivery or payment of a contract. MGX’s role is to bring buyers and sellers together and provide transparency into the local grain marketplace. Once a price has been accepted, the buyer and seller will be connected to sign and fulfill the terms of their contract.
Are bids FOB (freight on board) farm or delivered?
Because the inventory location is included in each listing all bids made on inventory are FOB Farm. We also encourage buyers to bid net handling fees to reduce hidden costs. You are welcome to negotiate a delivered price for your grain with your buyer directly after the offer has been accepted.
I’m used to seeing commodities listed in pounds or bushels, not metric tonnes (MT). How can I figure out the right units for each listing?
By default, all listings are in metric tonnes (MT), but when you list or buy a commodity you will have the option of selecting a different weight unit like pounds (lbs) or tons (T). Please note that we do not include bushels as part of our conversions, as bushel weights vary by commodity.
Seller FAQ:
​Why do we charge for sample analysis?
MGX is not analyzing your product in-house. We've negotiated better analysis fees on your behalf with one of Canada's leading laboratories. SGS Canada Inc. is an accredited independent body that has met our high standards for quality and reliability. We are proud to work with this industry-leading company and are confident that they will provide you with the best possible service. When you submit your samples for grading through your analysis fees are charged to your credit card on file and within 5 business days (average) your results are uploaded to your MGX user profile. There you can manage your inventory, print a hard copy of the report and market your grain with confidence.
How do I submit a sample?
All samples should include your MGX Customer Number and MGX Inventory ID Number and be sent directly to:
SGS Canada Inc.
3327 Lambert Crescent Unit 2,
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1K4
When you REQUEST SAMPLE ANALYSIS in your MGX user profile you will be provided with a free shipping code that you can take to any Canada Post offfice. They will provide you with a parcel box and mailing label direct to the SGS office above, for FREE.
SGS will receive, grade and upload your sample analysis to your MGX profile and a discounted analysis fee will be charged to the primary payment method on file with MGX.
How much inventory can I list?
The amount you can list is unlimited and you can manage inventory under multiple farm names from the same profile. Listings will need to be renewed every 30 days or they will expire.
Who are the buyers on this site?
We work with dozens of grain buyers around the prairies and take great care to vet and verify each new user. All licensed grain companies on MGX are in good standing with the Canadian Grain Commission and we also host feed companies from across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. We are constantly adding to our network, find the most recent list here.
Do I need to submit separate samples for every bin, even if the commodity is the same across multiple bins?
We encourage sellers to submit and test samples from each field, or each bin, or for every piece of inventory that may have slightly different characteristics.
Do I need to give MGX the location of my farms?
In order for freight to be accurately calculated, we ask that you save your farm location in your profile, as well as the bin site location on each piece of inventory you list on MGX. Your exact location is not shared publicly and freight is calculated to the nearest town or city.
What do I do if the buyer doesn't uphold the contract terms?
We encourage sellers to reach out to CGC at the very first signs of trouble. Farmers have 90 days to file a dispute against licensed grain companies. We are implementing a user rating system to give you more confidence in the companies bidding on your product.
Buyer FAQ:
How do I become an MGX Buyer?
Once you register for an account we require you to submit a business license or Canadian Grain Commission license to prove you are a legitimate local business operating in the marketplace. You may be asked to provide further documentation. You cannot start bidding on inventory until your account has been vetted and approved which could take 1 to 5 business days.
How can I contact a seller?
Once you have placed a bid, at the bottom of the bid page you will have the option to directly message a seller. All contact information (yours and theirs) will remain anonymous until a trade is agreed upon, at which point the MGX service fee will be charged and a trade confirmation with the details and contact information for the seller will be emailed to you. If you have questions you would like answered before you place a bid, you can contact us for assistance.
How do I know what each transaction will cost me?
We charge $3.50/MT on all commodities, both conventional and organic. The terms and fees of each transaction are provided in the chat window for you before you accept the trade.