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  • Writer's pictureTrent Klarenbach

Harvest Marketing Edition: October 5, 2023

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

Production pays the bills, marketing makes the money.

Online auctions present a unique opportunity to expand your grain marketing strategy. The MGX platform offers access to a wider range of local buyers and the chance to determine the value of your product precisely when you're ready to sell. Traditionally, the Prairie grain trade has been influenced by buyers and limited to CGC quality standards. However, through expanded sample analysis and the power of online auctions, farmers can establish their desired selling price and leverage the unique quality features of their inventory within the open market.

We hope you take the opportunity to add MGX to your marketing mix this year and we look forward to improving price discovery and profitability for all our customers.

Best of luck in your fall marketing endeavors.




This market update was provided by Klarenbach Research.

Klarenbach Research provides independent technical analysis of the grain, oilseed and special crops markets. To subscribe to the Klarenbach Grain Report or the Klarenbach Special Crops Report visit

Pulse & Special Crop Market Outlook

Large Green Lentils

Large Green Lentils remain in a strong uptrend while they test the 2021 highs.

Large green lentil market chart, Oct 5

Small Green Lentils

Like LGL, Small Greens remain in an uptrend while testing the 2021 highs.

Small green lentil market chart, October 5

Medium Green Lentils

The Medium Green Lentils are also testing the 2021 highs while remaining in an uptrend.

Medium green lentil market chart, October 5

Red Lentils

The Red Lentil chart is not as strong as the greens but is back in an uptrend. An overhead supply of sellers needs to be exhausted before higher prices.

Red lentil market chart, October 5

Yellow Peas

The long-term Yellow Pea chart continues to trade with an upward channel while buyers and sellers fight to control the trend in a shorter timeframe.

Yellow pea market chart October 5

Green Peas

Green pea prices remain strong, testing the all-time highs.

Green pea market chart October 5

Canary Seed

Canary seed is in an uptrend and beginning to move sideways, digesting the recent gains.

Canaryseed market chart October 5

Kabuli Chickpeas

Kabuli chickpeas are trading near the high prices experienced since the fall of 2021. More time is needed to determine if this is the end of the move or consolidation before another leg higher.

Kabuli chickpea market chart, October 5

Mustard Market Outlook

Yellow Mustard

Yellow mustard is beginning to form a base as the buyers and sellers fight to control the trend.

Brown Mustard

Brown mustard is off its lows, but it is too early to call this an uptrend.

Oriental Mustard

Oriental Mustard is similar to Brown Mustard, requiring more time to determine the longer-term trend.

What markets are you most interested in?

  • Pulses & Special Crops

  • Cereals

  • Oilseeds

Cereal Market Outlook

Canada Western Red Spring Wheat

The CWRS wheat price continues to trade in a downtrend on the longer-term timeframe, suggesting lower prices. It is too early to get excited about price rallies.

Canada Prairie Spring Red Wheat

CPSR Wheat price downtrend remains strong, telling us not to trust rallies. We don’t trust rallies in downtrends.

Canada Western Amber Durum

The fall rally has CWAD in a bullish trend, counter to the other wheats. Will this divergence continue? Will CWAD lead the other wheats higher, or will this rally be short-lived?


Like Durum, the oat chart is much stronger than the other wheats. What do Oats know? Oats are showing signs of weakness, so they may not know much. Time will tell.

Oilseed Market Outlook


The Canola price has been quick and harsh, with the downtrend remaining intact. It is too early to trust rallies


The Flax price has completed a round trip that began in 2020. It was quite a ride.

For more monthly market analysis, subscribe to the MGX Insider and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Ready to start marketing your 2023 crop?

See what price you can discover through the power of an online auction. Register today for a free account at

Are you a company purchasing grain in SK? Register here.


Nothing written, expressed, or implied here should be looked at as investment advice or an admonition to buy, sell, or trade any security or financial instrument. As always, do your own due diligence.


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